A midiPoti Boards for X Touch Mini is approximately 260 x 95 mm (counting the tab’s height of 5 mm) . How do you store that so you can always find your boards at the same place ?
A simple business envelope is generally enough to store a large number of boards. It is not perfect because you cannot see the tabs, but it holds more than 25 boards in a small space and it can be slipped almost anywhere. It is also cheap and widely available.
- Storing a lot of boards together help keeping them flat.
The perfect storage would be around 27 x 10 cm with an opening at the top, to see the tabs of all boards.
But these dimensions are not easy to come close. You can find 265 * 180 bubble or cardboard envelopes and cases for shipment. Always check the internal size, not the external dimensions.
- The tabs are made to grab the boards. They are not large in order to remain within the dimenions of the midi controller and not be in the way of cables or other equipment.
If you intend to have dozens of boards of all kinds and sizes, you could also get “accordeon folders” or any other type of office furniture, case or folder. The problem with accordeon folders is that they take space and you have to put them between two big heavy books to keep them thin. So it is a bit overkill, but if you go that way, it is better not to take a folder that closes with a pressure button (the internal mecanism may rub the boards), and prefer a folder with an elastic band or scratch pad. Also, make sure the size is right in all directions. you probably don’t want to cut the cover if the case is too short.
.Myself, I use a simple envelope (1st trick) and store them at the top of my Eurorack case which is just next to my computer screen and midi controllers, in sight and at arms length. I have not used anything else so far but will update this post in case I find something interesting.